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Christians have been bearing witness to the universal love of Jesus Christ through friendship, prayer and service among the people of all religions along the Ganges. Following their footsteps, the Author has been living his priesthood alongside the pilgrims of all religions. In this book, he recounts his daily life in the sacred city of India and reflects of a genuine presence of the Catholic Church to the religions that is ongoing dialogue and a mutual sharing of spiritual treasures.

He sets out this collection of writings in four parts: The first stage ‘vision’, is made of theological reflections. The second and third stages, called ‘fulfilment’ and ‘taking roots’ respectively, bring an echo of the author's first five years in the holy city of the Hindus. The final part is a ‘sending off’ that recaptures, in the light of author’s recent experience, intuitions received two decades ago. These pages will bear witness to the love of Christ and his universal Holy Church.

Additional information

Weight 205 g
Dimensions 21 × 13.9 × 1.8 cm
Sub Title



Yann Vagneux