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This volume is a personal inquiry with great pioneers like Brahmabandhab Upadhyay, Swami Abhishiktananda, and Fr. Bede Griffiths into one’s Christian faith. It is an attempt to delve deep into the Gospel of Jesus in the present competitive religious and cultural pluralist ethos with inclusive and non-conclusive perspectives and perceptions.

This volume is an attempt to make faith in the Gospel of Jesus and his witness more relevant, meaningful, and competent through an engaging witness in the journey of life with a profound sense of ‘mindfulness’ and heartfulness.’

It is an essay to triumph over the ‘mission fatigue’ that one discerns in his story of life and the Church at large. I am sure that unless and until our faith becomes missional along with our brothers and sisters of different faiths, in our sundries of life and on the public platforms, as choreographed in the engaging story of Jesus, we can never decipher and divine the witness of Jesus and discern the newness of the Gospel. A very good book on interreligious dialogue and mission.

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Sub Title

Perspectives, Paths Fostering Engaging Witness
