
David McDonnall lived a thrill-seeker’s life as a missionary and water specialist in northern Sudan and Jordan. Carrie Taylor McDonnall found her love for the Arab people by working with Palestinian children in Israel. Together, they found love and a shared a mission that took them into the mysterious, embattled land of Iraq.On March 15, 2004, Carrie and David prepared for a day of surveying refugee camps with fellow missionaries Larry and Jean Elliott and Karen Watson. The day ended in tragedy, with three American missionaries killed instantly in an insurgent ambush and two struggling for life. David’s love for his wife, and his sheer force of will to see her to safety in the face of his own death, gives us a glimpse into their shared faith and love for God and ministry.“God is faithful to His nature. We can always lean on His Word and His Promises, because he is faithful to fulfill His promises. We shouldn’t doubt, because if He has said it – He will do it.” – David McDonnall

Additional information

Dimensions 16.1 × 2.4 × 23.6 cm
Sub Title

The True Story of How an American Couple Paid the Ultimate Price Because of Their Love of Muslim People
