$ 0.66
Father Carlos G. Valles himself author of well-known books on spirituality, knew Father Anthony de Mello as a Jesuit student in India, made under him the first thirty-day Retreat Father de Mello directed in Khandala, then the nine-month Sadhana course in Poona, and three more Sadhana Renewals in Lonavla. The last of these Renewals took place in April 1987, barely a month and a half before Father de Mello`s death. In that Renewal, which he conducted single-handed for fifteen days, Father de Mello told the group of twenty-five religious, men and women, on the opening day: “I find myself at an important moment in my life. I have changed many of my views and deepened others, and I want to clarify and systematize al that to myself. For that I need the group as a sounding board, and so what I want to do these days is to give you my present ideas, get your reactions and work at them with you. This he proceeded to do in a most effective way, and thus the Lonavla experience became a kind of spiritual testament of a man who has influenced many people through his books, talks and direction. That extraordinary experience, together with all the rest of Father de Mello`s varied activities, and, above all, his deep and rich personality, is set down in this timely book with insight, warmth, loyalty to his memory and clarity of exposition. For all those readers who in many languages have enjoyed and profited from Father de Mello`s books, This intimate spiritual biography will be a help to preserve his memory and multiply its fruit.
Additional information
Author | Carlos Valles |
ISBN | 9788187886648 |