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This Rite includes Opening of the Jubilee Year of 2025 on 24 December 2024, Closing of the Jubilee Year of 2025 on 28 December 2025, as well as Mass for the Holy Year which may be said at the liturgical time whenever special celebrations are held on the occasion of the Holy Year

intended for those of the Roman Rite.
The Oriental Churches may adapt the Rite if they wish, in harmony with their own liturgical forms, leaving intact however the core and basic orientation of this Rite of Opening.

The Holy Father Pope Francis, in the bull Spes non confundit, has decreed that the Jubilee Year will be inaugurated on 24 December 2024, solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord, with the opening of the Holy Door of the Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican. On the following Sunday, 29 December 2024, feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the opening of the Jubilee will be celebrated in the Churches.

It also includes, Formularies for the Mass, Psalm Prayers for the Pilgrimage and LItany of the Saints.
At this time of Jubilee, once more the Holy Door will be flung open to invite everyone to an intense experience of the love of God rsquo;. In the Bull announcing the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025, at a moment in history in which lsquo;heedless of the horrors of the past, humanity is confronting yet another ordeal, as many peoples are prey to brutality and violence rsquo;, the Holy Father calls on all Christians to become pilgrims of hope. This is a virtue which must be sourced above all in the grace of God and in the fullness of His mercy. It is to be rediscovered in the signs of the times, which, encompassing lsquo;the yearning of human hearts in need of God rsquo;s saving presence, ought to become signs of hope.

Additional information

Weight 400 g
Dimensions 27.5 × 19.5 × 1 cm
Sub Title

