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lsquo;Purgatory rsquo; is one of the three entities of the Church; the other two being the Pilgrim Church and the Church Triumphant. These three states constitute the lsquo;Communion of Saints rsquo; of the Mystical Body of Christ. This Book: ldquo;Purgatory: The Gift of Divine Mercy rdquo; has been compiled to provide the much needed information and knowledge associated with life after death, in the context of the purification of the soul towards lsquo;perfection rsquo;.
It passionately discusses various aspects that touch the core of the spiritual life of a Christian. These discussions are based on the robust foundation of the scriptures, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, teachings of the Doctors and Fathers of the Church, various Councils of the Church, visions and apparitions by Holy Souls to Saints and Mystics, and letters, Encyclicals and lecture services of Pontiffs.
Some of the unique topics included are: Faith in God and Communion of Saints; Indulgences for self and the Holy Souls; Twentieth Century gift of Divine Mercy Devotion; and Mary: The Mother of Purgatory.
This is a resource document for educating and creating awareness about one of three states of the Church namely, Purgatory or the Suffering Church. This book will be useful for every Catholic as a resource document for Catechism classes, retreats, conventions and curriculum in the formation houses especially to those interested on a topic of lsquo;Life after death rsquo;.

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