Blessed Karl of Austria
Blessed Karl of Austria.There has been a strong campaign, going on for many decades now, for the canonisation of Blessed Karl of Austria - also known as Charles I of Austria. As the last emperor...
Blessed Karl of Austria.There has been a strong campaign, going on for many decades now, for the canonisation of Blessed Karl of Austria - also known as Charles I of Austria. As the last emperor...
St Apollinaris, the First Bishop of Ravenna. (Unknown source, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)Perhaps you have already heard about St Apollinaris, the first Bishop of Ravenna. His name is mentioned in the Roman Martyrology as one...
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Mother Teresa meeting with President Ronald Reagan in the Oval Office in 1985. (Collection: White House Photographic Collection, 1/20/1981 - 1/20/1989, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)According to recent news reports, a new biopic on the...